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Club Facebook Site


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Club Facebook Site Empty Club Facebook Site

Post by Lee Harradine Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:25 pm

It's interesting looking back on old threads on here.

I found this as part of an early message (2019) by Murray, when they decided to remove the link to this forum on the Club website.

Unfortunately there is never an 'open' forum on the Facebook site for us to engage with the club.  Perhaps that could be done.

The rest is just for interest.

I mentioned in my last message that the board will be focussed on a strategic planning process. This is of particular importance to the club, because it’s imperative that our three-year plan is locked in place and becomes our blueprint for long-term growth and stability. A lot of time has already been invested in this process by the governance committee, and the first stage of the plan will be finalised and documented on Friday 9th August at a meeting of directors. We will then be in a position to share our future direction strategies at a meeting with SANFL to be held late in September. I know that SANFL is very invested in making sure our club thrives well into the future, so this meeting is of extreme importance to us in ensuring that we continue the great relationship that we currently have with SANFL.

We have many challenges ahead of us. So it’s important that you, the members and supporters, continue to provide your constructive feedback and comments so we can review our progress. I have really enjoyed chatting face to face with several of you at club functions, particularly at the after-game presentations, and I encourage you to interact with me as often as you can. For those who I don’t get a chance to meet personally, I am happy to receive emails at my club email address, which is murray.forbes@westadelaidefc.com.au. Also, you know that the club’s official facebook page is readily accessible from our website and is regularly updated by the club, supporters and members. This provides a fantastic forum for open discussion and comments by all interested parties, as well as keeping everyone up to date with upcoming events. Accordingly, the old “forum” link on the website will be replaced by a more prominent link to the official facebook page as from Monday 12th August. This doesn’t mean that the old forum will disappear altogether – it can still be accessed via its web address for those who wish to continue using it.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this report. I look forward to catching up with you in the weeks ahead.

I would encourage members to take up that invitation.
Lee Harradine
Lee Harradine

Number of posts : 2226

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